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Sexual attraction and attractiveness to others | Dr N Layyous

Sexual attraction and attractiveness to others


Sexual attraction and attractiveness to others is an exciting and complex field affecting factors, social with multiple, physical and anatomical factors all play a major role in this.

We all know that human senses are all-important and play a role in sexual response of women:

  1. Tactile senses: play a major role by physical contact.
  2. visual stimuli: is well known to have avital role in sexual arousal
  3. Auditory stimuli: less effect such as listening to special kinds of music
  4. Olfactory stimuli: it is well known that unpleasant smells act as inhibitory factor but can smell act as an excitatory sexual input.
  • Pheromones:

They are chemical substances that are secreted by an person and received by a second person of the same species, in which they stimulate a specific reaction Sexual attraction and attractiveness to others

It is an exciting area of research and many of its applications are still under research and had many controversial issues.

But recently some of the pheromones are well characterized and found to have an important role in sexual response and sexual satisfaction.

Whether in homo or heterosexuality, pheromones were found to play a role in these selections

Simply we all notice that when we are attracted to someone we often love the natural scent emitted by our romantic partners or potential mates.

In addition, most of women who live or work together usually will have synchronized periods. This was attributed to pheromones

  • Pheromones are excreted in sweat, urine, saliva and skin, and received subconsciously by others resulting in altered mood, increased heart rate plus other physical changes.

Pheromones do not only play a role in attractiveness but they are just as likely to repel someone or have no effect at all, these feelings are not mutual, sometimes you might be attracted to someone else’s pheromones but the other person might have no reaction to yours or even worse, that person may have a negative reaction. all these feelings are subconscious

Though pheromones effectiveness and their exact role are still under research, so far scientist, classified them into four types

  1. Modulators: responsible for mood alterations and also affect emotions
  2. Signalers: helps identify someone by their scent, it is the one important between the newborns and mothers.
  3. Primers: Affect over time (hormone – altering pheromones) that influence menstrual cycle. puberty and sexual development.
  4. Releasers: the ones that are responsible for sexual attraction often elicit an immediate specific behavioral response

Yet attraction is often subconscious but it is not inexplicable as we may think.


Hygiene for sexual attraction

Personal hygiene is important for both partners, it allows you to feel fresh, attractive which reflects positively on your relationship

Few tips that will help:

Shower or bathe before bed

Brush and floss, and refresh your breath

Shave and remove body hair

Perfumes and lotions

Genital area appearance is important:

By plastic surgeries to improve the whole appearance or to repair any congenital abnormality

Such as labial reduction for large labia or augmentation of labia by fillers.

Whiting for dark pigmented area.


Dr Najeeb Layyous F.R.C.O.G

Consultant Obstetrician, Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist

Last Update: 2023-09-11 09:29:33
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